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Emergency Electric Power Panel

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Emergency Electric Power Panel Panel


Currently not available or INOP in the FBW A32NX for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

  • MAN ON (guarded)

    • AUTO: When the following conditions are met:
      • AC BUS 1 is not electrically supplied.
      • AC BUS 2 is not electrically supplied.
      • Aircraft speed is greater than 100 knots.
      • The Ram Air Turbine (RAT) extends.
      • The blue hydraulic system drives the emergency generator.
      • As soon as the emergency generator electrical parameters are within tolerance the emergency generator is connected to the aircraft network.
    • Pressed:
      • This selects manual RAT extension.
      • Emergency generator coupling occurs 3 seconds after the RAT is supplying.
      • the emergency generator.
  • FAULT LIGHT: This light comes on red if the emergency generator is not supplying power when AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are not powered.

  • EMER GEN TEST (guarded)

    • Pressed and held:
      • if AC NORMAL BUSES are supplied:
        • The EMER GEN is driven hydraulically if the blue electric pump is running.
        • The AC ESS BUS and the DC ESS BUS are connected to the emergency generator. (The DC ESS SHED and AC ESS SHED buses are not powered).
        • ECAM displays the ELEC page automatically (only on the ground).
      • If only the batteries supply the aircraft:
        • The static inverter powers the AC ESS BUS.
  • GEN 1 LINE

    • OFF:
      • GEN 1 line contactor opens.
      • The AC BUS 1 channel is supplied from GEN 2 through bus tie contactors. This is used for smoked drill.
    • SMOKE Light

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Last update: August 29, 2021
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